Choose Your Class

All the Focus on Fascia classes are now available with “Choose Your Class”!


  1. Enter your name and contact info below.
  2. If you have a second therapist interested, please include their name and contact information. If you don’t have a second therapist interested, the class may not run until a second therapist is found.
  3. Select the class you want from the list below. Full descriptions are detailed on the Focus on Fascia website.
  4. Classes may have lecture via Zoom or in person, but all techniques will be taught in person at the Hands on Healing Institute in Tujunga, CA.
  5. Select your preferred month and availability. General availability for both Zoom and live classes are Wednesday evenings, Thursday mornings (Zoom only), Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
  6. If you have specific dates you are available in the month selected, please enter in “Other details”.
  7. Press send.
  8. You will be contacted with several dates for the class to choose from.
  9. Select the dates best for the you and your second therapist if you have one.
  10. You will be sent a link for payment. Classes run around $20 per CE hour. All students must pay 5 days in advance for the class to run on the chosen dates.
  11. Please note that since this is through the Hands on Healing Institute in Tujunga, a California Certified Massage School, only Massage Therapists will receive official certification.
  12. The class will then be open to other therapists, however, if due to cancellations, there is only one student, the class will need to be rescheduled.
  13. Payments cannot be refunded, but only carried forward to another class.